Call us now for free consultation on the procedure and cost of warts removal in Delhi (South Delhi). Our clinic is running under supervision of an experienced cosmetic surgeon Dr. Sandeep Bhasin. We uses best possible machines and therapies to remove warts or carrying any other cosmetic procedure or skin or hair rejuvenation therapies
All about Warts
What is Wart?
Wart is basically a benign, non cancerous tumor or growth of skin that is caused because of HPV (Human Papillpma Virus) infection; this virus usually infects the upper layer of the skin. Something that you may not know is that the wart virus is actually contagious; they can easily spread when you come in contact with wart virus. The worst thing about this is that they can appear anywhere in the body. Though these warts are not life threatening or dangerous, but they can be painful at times. People having warts at times feel awful as they are ugly in appearance.
Warts are usually harmless in nature. Though there are some HPV infections that may be the reason behind warts to appear in or around the genitals. If genital warts appear in women then it may lead to cervical cancer. If you feel that you may have genital warts, then you must immediately get in touch with your doctor without making any delay.
Types of Warts
There are basically 5 types of warts. Each and every type of wart appears on specific parts of the body and their appearance is also distinct in comparison to other type of wart.
- Common Warts (Vurruca vulgaris): Common warts usually appear on the fingers and toes. These types of warts may even appear anywhere on the body as it can spread through touching and nail biting as well. These warts are comparatively one tone darker than the actual skin colour.
- Plantar Warts (Foot Warts): Plantar warts are also known as Foot Warts because they appear on the foot soles. These warts grow in the skin itself. If you experience or notices something that appears like a small hole surrounded by rough skin on the planter surface of the foot then you must contact the doctor because these warts are pretty uncomfortable.
- Flat Warts: A flat wart appears on the face, thigh or arm. One cannot notice them easily as they are usually very small and flat as if they are rubbed over the skin surface. These flat warts are usually slightly pinkish, yellowish or brownish in color.
- Filiform Warts: This type of warts appears near mouth, nose, neck and chin. They appear somewhat like a skin tag. The colour of these warts is exactly similar to your own skin. Their growth is also very rapid.
- Periungual Warts: Periungual Warts appear beneath the nails of toe and fingers. These types of warts are very painful and above all they also affect the growth of toenails and fingernails.
Removal of Warts
Doctor or a Dermatologist can easily help you by recognizing the type of wart. In some cases, he/she may need to do a skin biopsy to confirm, if in case he has a doubt. Usually in children, warts fade with time, but in adults, it is not the case. The wart does not disappear quickly though most of them are completely harmless. For the removal of warts, it is important to get an appointment from the best dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon. There are numerous types of treatment available for their removal.
- Cantharidin: Dermatologist treats wart by painting it with cantharidin. This solution forms a blister beneath the wart. He/she will ask you to visit in 5 to 7 days again when the dermatologist will clip the dead wart away from the surface of the skin.
- Cryotherapy: Cryotheraphy is the most common treatment used by dermatologist for treating common wart. The best part is that this therapy is not painful.
- Electrosurgery and Curettage: for common warts Filiform warts as well as foot warts Electrosurgery is considered to be the best type of treatment. Curettage, on the other hand, involves scraping off the wart using a spoon shaped tool. Both these procedures are practiced together.
- Excision: Dermatologist uses this type of procedure to cut the wart from the surface of the skin.
- Laser Treatment: if the warts are not responding to the treatment and therapies then the dermatologist adopts laser treatment. Before undergoing the laser treatment, the dermatologist uses anesthesia for anaesthetising wart.
- Chemical Peel: in the case of flat wart, numerous warts appear in a same place. In such cases the dermatologist opts for chemical peel procedure. During this procedure you will need to apply the peeling medicine that comprises of salicylic acid, glycolic acid and tretinion everyday at home as prescribed by the dermatologist.
- Immunotherapy: When all the treatments do not provide you with a proper result, then in such case dermatologist applies the immunotherapy that involves application of DCP chemical on the warts. This procedure can help in removing the stubborn wart completely. These shots boost up the immunity system of the body and fight away the virus.
- Surgery: the last option is surgery. In this procedure the dermatologist or the doctor will first give anesthesia because the procedure is painful. He will then cut the wart with a sharp knife and then using electricity, burn it properly. This procedure may cause scarring.
Precautions from reoccurring of wart
Warts can return if not taken proper care. There are numerous methods through which you can avoid spreading of warts in different part of the body. Some of the simple rules of preventing them are as follows:
- Treat the wart as soon as you notice without delaying
- You must wash your hands frequently, especially when you come in contact with someone with wart problem
- Never ever prick or scratch the warts
- Cover them with a bandage so that you don't touch them unknowingly
- Always keep your hand as well as feet dry because moisture may be responsible for spreading of wart
- Always wear flip flops when you are in the pool area or are using a bathing facility in public showers and locker rooms
All these above points must be followed so that wart does not reoccur on the treated area or elsewhere.